Sunday, June 16, 2013

Quadruple Tags

Yow what's up people! :D
Oke halo semuanya :D
Ah senangnya UKK sudah selesai :') tinggal menunggu hasil sembari memperbaiki nilai yang kurang di UKK :'D
Akhirnya aku sudah bebas dari penderitaan UKK di sekolah hahaaaaaiiiii
I'm back everybadeh! xP
Dan akhirnya aku bisa nge blog! xD yeay!!
But you know what?! Suddenly I got 4 tags!
I'm tagged by Echa, the second one was Shabrina, then Diprat and the last was Wenny
And thank you buat kalian berempat! Aku terharu lho :'D baru kali ini aku di tag sama blogger lain, sebelumnya sama sekali ga pernah wkwkkw malangnya nasip ku :')
Thx a lot yaw! xD
And, here we go :D

*Post this rule.
*Write 11 things about yourself.
*Answer the question the tagger set to you.
*Create 11 new questions for those you want to tag.
*Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post.
*You are not allowed to tag back.

11 things about Nivita
  1. I have a short full name, and I don't have a long full name. My name's only → Nivita
  2. I born in the wrong country
  3. Fall in love with Jaden Smith! He's mine!
  4. I love any kind of animal, especially hamster ! I really love hamster! I'm a hamster lover
  5. Japanese hollic
  6. An Otaku and I proud to be an Otaku
  7. I'm Anime addicted
  8. A newbie cosplayer (I never cosplay, just buy a costume. But I'll start cosplay on 6/7/8 Sep 2013 @ AFA)
  9. I can rap
  10. I can cook
  11. I've 6 favourite dolls

#Question 1 (from Echa)
1. Do you have siblings? How are their character?
-  Yup. 1 lil sister and 1 lil brother. They're crazy
2. What is your favorite song?
-  Lighters - Bruno Mars ft Eminem & Royce Da 59
3. Where is the greatest tourist resort you've visited ever?
-  Singapore and Malaysia
4. Do you like sport? What kind of sport that you like?
- Of course! Volly, baseball, maraton
5. What is your favorite subject?
- Japanese & Chemistry
6. What time you wake up on Sunday?
- Depend on the situation. Sometimes 10 AM, sometimes 11 AM
7. Do you like to stand for Monday flag ceremony?
- Yes. Better than studying
8. Mention a traditional game from your region and describe it a little bit!
- In Bahasa we call it 'sondah'. You only need to jump, after finish make the square line with the number 1-9
9. What stuff you wish to gifted to you on your next birthday?
- iPhone 5, PSP 3000, PS Vita, Canon
10. What is your favorite ice cream?
- Strawberry ice cream
11. Ginger tea, lemon tea, milk tea?
- Lemon tea

#Question 2 (from Shabrina)
1. Nama account twitter nya apa?
- @nivitachan
2. Punya blackberry or android?
- Blackberry
3. Biasnya siapa?
- Avril Lavigne & Gabrielle Aplin
4. Suka anime?
5. Agamanya apa?
- Kristen
6. Pernah difitnah gak sama orang?
- Sering
7. Kejadian paling memalukan?
- Menggila di depan adik kelas & kakak kelas
8. Sering gosok gigi?
- Sangat sering
9. Cowo banci kaya or kece miskin?
- Kece miskin
10. Suka banget sama K-ON atau biasa aja?
- Banget
11. Lagu yang PALING suka banget?
- Lagunya Jaden Smith

#Question 3 (from Diprat)
1. What's your future goals?
- Be what I want
2. Who do you want to be?
- Jaden Smith
3. Who is your inspiration?
- Jaden Smith
4. What things do you want to buy but yet accomplished?
iPhone 4S, PSP 3000, PS Vita, Canon
5. Friend or Family?
- Both of them
6. Education or Hobby?
- Both of them
7. Comic or Novel?
- Both of them
8. Singer or Actress/Actor?
- Both of them
9. What is your favorite day? Why?
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Because I'm free
10. Who do you want to meet now?
- Tonge (my hamster [RIP])
11. Smart or Dilligent? Why?
- Dilligent. Because dilligent is a smart person. They can control their time. And they can be a smart person if they keep trying

#Question 3 (from Wenny)
1. Have all the wealth but don't have any family / friends / partner or the opposite? Why?
- Depend on the situation
2. Agree or not, smoking isn't important? Why?
- Agre! Because the smell is bad
3. Is allowed if we put another people art without sources to your blog?
- No
4. No offense, but, why k-pop very loved by Indonesian teenagers?
- Because K-Pop is famous that I-pop
5. Twitter or facebook or blog?
- All of them
6. Bahasa Indonesia or English?
- Both of them
7. Mineral water or soda?
- Mineral water
8. Do you like instrumental music?
- Yup
9. ** write a question for you, and please answer the questions that have been written * * i don't have idea *
10. What's your name?
-  Nivita Smith
11. Are you Nivita Smith?
- Yes I am

My Question for YOU!
- Your full name?
- Your hobby?
- Your fav color?
- Your fav movie?
- Your fav singer?
- Your fav food?
- Your fav drink?
- Your fav teacher?
- Who's your best friend?
- Are you a student?
- Are you happy now?

Aku mau tag ke : EchaShabrinaDipratWenny, dan sisanya untuk kalian semua yang udah baca post aku kali ini kena tag! Hayo jujur ya yang udah baca harus bikin dan jawab pertanyaan aku. Inget ya, yang BACA ini kena TAG ! >:D
*aku sendiri bingung mau tag siapa .__.


  1. Interesting post, definitely learned a lot about you! n__n

    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!


ありがとうございます。 ^^